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Cabinet commitments

Sculpture : Hubert, jeune confrère The Firm is open Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., and only receives by appointment.

You can contact us by email. Within 48 hours, the Firm will answer your questions.

We have an outsourced secretariat who will take your messages in our absence. Otherwise, and for the sake of efficiency, we respond directly to our customers, and provide them free of charge and by telephone, information that does not require research time.

We are committed to keeping our IT and legal tools at the cutting edge. To this end, we have access to a computerized documentary base updated in real time, and extremely complete. It covers all matters (legal texts, authors’ note, summary, case law, publications, etc.).

The Firm also subscribes to the paper version of the Family Law JURISCLASSEUR, as well as to La Semaine Juridique. Added to this is automated calculation software, which allows us to calculate indexations, revaluations, default interest, etc.

Cabinet FOURNIER respects its obligation of continuous training for a minimum of 20 hours per year. He makes a point of following training courses in relation to the cases handled, and regularly refining his knowledge. Cabinet will not agree to deal with a file if it does not have the skills to do so. He will direct you to one of his colleagues if necessary. In addition, the lawyer will assist any person whose intervention will be necessary for the success of your claims (Notary, Bailiff, Expert, etc.).