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Visiting and accommodation rights of grandparents

sculpture en marbre buste d'enfant Cabinet FOURNIER assists grandparents whose bond with their grandchildren is weakening. This can be due to a bad relationship with their own children, but more often to a conflictual separation at the end of which the small children will live with the other parent (ex-daughter-in-law or ex-son-in-law).

This type of separation sometimes leads the parent with whom the children’s residence is fixed to have to completely cut ties with his ex-spouse. And it is often the whole family of the ex-spouse who is thus ousted, the grandparents being part of it. Referral to the Family Affairs Judge can allow these separated grandparents to find a place with their grandchildren, and to maintain regular relationships.

This action also makes it possible, in a tense context, and even though the grandparents still manage to see their grandchildren, to have their rights formalized by the Family Affairs Judge.